The Burrows of Aeris
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The Rabbit Warren

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The Rabbit Warren Empty The Rabbit Warren

Post  Mousen Heath Wed 26 Oct 2011, 11:09 am

.: Table of Contents :.

Elder Spirits





Plot Pets

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The Rabbit Warren Empty The Elder Spirits

Post  Mousen Heath Wed 26 Oct 2011, 12:51 pm

Since Aeris's creation, the Elder Spirits have been watching over it's villages and forests. They do not know who they were created by, and this is question that most of them push aside. Every time a distinct new area pops up within the island, another spirit is born, or created if you prefer. As the places in Aeris grow and change, the spirits of those places change too. Many of them are very different from how they started off. For instance, the little village of Brandr was once a part of Logmarr Forest, before it split off and became a distinct village of it's own. When an area splits into two, the resulting Elder Spirit is referred to as the brother or sister of the first Spirit. As they are practically the living embodiments of the places the guard, when the area is damaged (through forest fire or avalanche for example) the Elder Spirits will the pain of such an event. It acts as more of a warning than anything else, and over time the Spirits can learn to tone down such warnings. For newly created Spirits, it often takes them a long time to adjust.

.: Fenris :.
The Rabbit Warren Fenris
Living the furthest north of all the Elder Spirits is Fenris, of Fenris Forest. He prefers a solitary existence, and he can be very stand-offish when approached. He dislikes social situations immeasurably, but if he sees them as unavoidable he will make the effort to go. He can be just as bitter as the icy forests he watches over, and more often than not his attitude is very cold. He tends to anger easily, and more then once he's let that anger get the best of him. With a stubborn streak a mile long, it's also rather difficult to get him to change his mind, about anything. Fenris is also ferociously protective of his younger sister, Bjorn, even more so after she was caught in an accident that was the direct fault of the Elder Spirit, Oddin. He considers himself to be something of a leader, and he tends to take charge in any situation he's thrown into. His best friend is probably Logmarr, who's easy going nature compliment's his well, though as they both hold much affection for Svanhildr a slight rivalry has developed between the two.

.: Bjorn :.
The Rabbit Warren Bjorn
Bjorn is a rather tom-boyish figure. She's exceptionally down to earth and very practical, she thinks on her feet and isn't afraid to break the rules to get what she wants. Given the chance, she runs rings around her brother, Fenris. Despite being blind, she's found that she can still find her way around pretty well, her hearing and sense of smell almost making up for the loss of her eyesight. Generally, she's much kinder than Fenris, though she does have her moments when her brother's stubbornness comes through. She copes with failure and anger better than her brother, but only to a point. If you push this doe to far, she will snap and often the consequences are not pretty. She's rather cagey about how she became blind, though we do know it had something to do with Oddin, for awhile they seemed to be romantically involved with each other. Though, right now any feelings they have, or had for each other seem to be pretty well hidden.

.: Eira :.
The Rabbit Warren Eira
Often prized for her beauty, Eira is a true ice queen. Beneath those hawk-like eyes rest a mind that never sits still, she is always planning. Always. While she does have a very strict sense of right and wrong, there are times when her plans could be called schemes. The spirit always treats things very logically, and she's exceptionally unused to dealing with outbursts of emotion, whether their her's or someone else's. Eira believes very strongly in justice, and in the prosecution of those have have done wrong. Often, she does appear to be rather cold and sometimes even unthinking of other people's feelings. She does have a habit of seeing things in black and white, but despite this she has to be one of the wisest of the Elder Spirits. When together she and Fenris either argue constantly or are sat scheming about something. Quite often she buts heads with Svanhildr, Logmarr and Oddin. Oddly enough, her and Valdis seem to get on rather well.

.: Valdis :.
The Rabbit Warren Valdis
Valdis is really rather introverted. She likes to stick with what she knows, and often the thought of breaking the daily routine scares her a little. Usually, she can be found by the side of Lake Valdis on misty mornings, dipping her toes into the side of the lake. As expected, she loves water and she's an exceptionally good swimmer. She's very easily underestimated and people seem to forget that the petite little Spirit can actually pack quite the punch. She's exceptionally quick witted, and if you let her come out of her shell a little, she's got quite the sense of humor. She gets on quite well with most of the group, and with Svanhildr acts as mediator alot of the time.

.: Kelda :.
The Rabbit Warren Meadows
Better known as the Spirit of the (Kelda) Meadows, she prides herself on being the life and soul of the party. She's exceptionally bright and cheery, Kelda is the shoulder to cry on for anything. She's exceptionally confident and not against making herself look silly to cheer someone else up. Sometimes, her lack of subtly and her habit of always sticking her nose into other people's business can get her into alot of trouble. Like Valdis, she's another one who is often underestimated, and again, it's not wise to underestimate her either. She can be quite devious given the chance. For a long time she's had much deeper feelings for Valdis than she lets on, though surprisingly she hasn't worked up the courage to say anything. While she too gets on pretty well with most of the group, she and Eira really dislike each other. It might even be jealousy, as they both seem to spend and awful amount of time with Valdis.

.: Logmarr :.
The Rabbit Warren Logmarr
While Fenris often tries to take the role of leader, Logmarr is the one most of the Spirits really consider to lead them. He's not easily annoyed and fairly easy going, he values fairness, bravery and loyalty above all else. All in all, he's a general 'good guy' who could get along with just about anyone. He does have a habit of being rather over dramatic, though. He prefers things to be out in the open, rather than secrets spreading behind back's and he's really the one responsible for making sure that no real arguments have split the group down the middle. It takes an awful lot to get him angry, and there's been very few occasions when he really has been upset. While he and Fenris are great friends, he does have feelings for Svanhildr, who he knows Fenris is fond of. He also spends alot of time around Oddin, though so far all of his attempts at getting Fenris to be civil to the white Spirit have proven unsuccessful. Logmarr often believes he has to do things alone, and he rarely asks for help.

.: Brandr :.
The Rabbit Warren Brandr
Brandr is Logmarr's little sister and she's even perkier than Kelda. Usually she's found hanging around some kits of leverets teaching them how to play one of the many games she invents. She's exceptionally imaginative, and her off-the-wall opinions can often provide a much needed insight. She dislikes getting involved in fights, and she doesn't really hang around the Elder Spirits much at all, finding them boring most of the time. Brandr has an exceptionally short attention span and an odd knack for seeing straight through people. It does take alot to make her serious, her 'everything will work out' attitude keeping her going through even the most serious of situations. In a stark personality contrast, she spends most of her time around Ochre. The two of them are exceptionally close, though she has yet to reveal just how close.

.: Svanhildr :.
The Rabbit Warren Swamhildr
Svanhildr plays a very motherly role within the group, her constantly calm demeanour comforting for many. Like Logmarr she is rarely seen to be upset, when she is angry she does have a habit of crying. She's possibly the most level-headed of the group, and each decision she makes is carefully thought through. Many times, she's had to slow Logmarr down from making a slightly too-hasty decision. Now, they are rarely seen without each other. She seems to be ignorant of Fenris's affections for her, atleast for the time being. Then again, knowing her, she might be ignoring them on purpose. Svanhildr does have a habit of trying to save everyone, on occasions her kindness can get the better of her. While she does tend to think with her head, she will let her heart win out on occasions. Being an extremely charitable figure, Eira pins her down as being far too soft and the two of them argue frequently, Eira with the harsh logical opinion, Svanhildr with the charitable, heartfelt one.

.: Greystone :.
The Rabbit Warren Greystone
A fairly new Spirit by anyone's standards, Greystone honestly feels rather overwhelmed by it all. He's really quite young, and it shows, sometimes he barely looks older than a leveret. He's exceptionally nimble, and he prefers to run away from his problems rather than facing them. He can be cowardly at times, and very, very shy. His demeanour is a constantly nervous one, if a little pessimistic. 'Are you sure this is a good idea...?' Is probably the thing he says most. Over time, he has become extremely stand-offish, not wanting to get involved in the business of other Elder Spirits. He's got a rather sardonic streak and will occasionally make a blunt comment towards something. Lately, he's become involved with the Spirit of Justice, who goes under the name of Neo. She and him travel a lot, often solving various crimes. Grey is obviously stronger than he looks, because he's not in the least squeamish.

.: Oddin :.
The Rabbit Warren Oddin
This spirit is probably the most mysterious of the lot. There's so much controversy surrounding Oddin, it's hard to pick apart the truth from the lies. He probably prefers it like that, truth be told. Like many of the others, he's rather quiet unless spoken to and he seems to carry and air of wisdom and knowledge the others can't compare with. At one point in time, Oddin was obsessed with science. Creating artificial life, creating something from nothing, bringing back the dead. All those things that typically go horribly wrong in the stories, he was doing. Or atleast, he tried to. He was always very philosophical, and the question of who originally created the Elder Spirits plagued him. While no one quite knows for sure, many people believe that the reason the spirits went to sleep in the first place was because of him. Oddin is a pacifist, and he refuses to fight for any reason. Even when Fenris attacked him after the incident with Bjorn he refused to fight back. After the spirits woke up, he's given up his obsession with science altogether sticking to simple illusions and basic magic tricks, something and Spirit can preform. Oddin prefers to take a back seat, and wait until everything has unfolded before making a move, this has often irritated the other Elder Spirits, who prefer a quicker way to do things. Things in Bjorn's presence have become increasingly awkward for the spirit, but he seems to be making an effort to build up their friendship from scratch.

.: Ochre :.
The Rabbit Warren Ochre
Ochre is Oddin's twin, and surprisingly they are very different. Ochre is built to with stand the frequent earthquakes that rattle through the Ochre Plains. He's very stocky and well muscled, like Brandr he dislikes getting involved in the affairs of the other Elder Spirits, though he is exceptionally protective of his twin, Oddin. He's always been a jackalope of a few words, and even the loud-mouthed Fenris wouldn't dare cross him. Ochre is as tough as old boots, the many scars that litter his hide show that much. He enjoys a good fight, though only for fun, he has no interest in hurting anyone. Well, not seriously anyway. He's got quite the sense of humour, and usually when he does speak it's to tell a joke. He also seems to have gotten some of Oddin's mystery, no matter where you are he will be able to come up behind you silently to make you jump. He's very loyal to the group, and he's very no nonsense in his beliefs. He knows the Elder Spirits are friends really, you only need one of them to be injured to see how much the others care about them. Ochre finds the general drama of his friends tiring, and if you talk to him about them you'll mostly get alot of shrugs and eye rolls.

Last edited by Mousen Heath on Mon 02 Jan 2012, 5:05 am; edited 3 times in total
Mousen Heath
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The Rabbit Warren Empty Spirits

Post  Mousen Heath Wed 26 Oct 2011, 12:52 pm

Kazimiera: Spirit of Deceit
The Rabbit Warren Spiritcustom4
Lisps * Untrustworthy * Competitive

Kazimiera was given an unfortunate domain. Perhaps if she'd been the spirit of... Well, perhaps if she hadn't been the Spirit of Deceit things would have turned out differently for her. She's a compulsive liar going from telling the absolute naked truth to a web of intricate lies. Untrustworthy to the extreme, it's impossible to tell whether what she says is true or not. Kazia is giggly, feminine and exceptionally confident of herself. There's not a fight she won't back down from or a challenge she won't accept. In her mind, she's the very epitome of perfection. Kazia also has a very distinct lisp and can't pronounce her S's at all. (Tho it thort-of thounds like thith.) It's probably something to do with her very sharp front teeth. She has a habit of over-estimating her abilities, or under-estimating her enemies, still, once she's made the mistake she's smart enough not to repeat it. Her plans seem to have plans and her schemes range from mildly irritating to deadly. She has no qualms in spilling blood if she has to. Kazia often finds herself out of her depth, but she never shows it, the spirit is far too proud for that.

When she was much younger, she was friends with the Spirit of Justice, Neo Verum. It was an odd friendship, they'd go from being best friends to being enemies and back again all within the space of a few hours. Kazimiera would commit little crimes, she'd do something that Neo would consider 'bad' and then leave Neo to sort it all out again. The games never got out of hand, whatever Kazimiera did wrong Neo would put right, but the spirit of Deceit was always one step ahead of her. This all ended one day, when things got serious for Kazia. Their little games had gotten more and more serious as they'd gotten older, still none of them would back down.

While planning something, Kazia got into a fight with one of her little hench-jackalope, he was trying to run out on her, and he came and told her so. Things got bad, and they fought. They were by the beach and the tide was out, exposing all the rock pools. The jackalope slipped and cracked his head open on the rock, his death was quick. Rather admit she'd taken things too far, she just ran with it. The next time she and Neo met, the spirit of Justice was furious and another fight took place. Neo was almost blinded in one eye and Kazia gained a scar that runs right across her shoulder. Rather than being best friends, they became arch enemies and have stayed that way since. Now Kazia stays in the shadows, trying to suss out Neo's weaknesses and giggling as she does so. Her main objective is to simply cause as much trouble as she can, and perhaps win this dangerous game she and Neo started all those years before.

Last edited by Mousen Heath on Tue 03 Apr 2012, 7:26 am; edited 6 times in total
Mousen Heath
Mousen Heath

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The Rabbit Warren Empty Jackalope

Post  Mousen Heath Wed 26 Oct 2011, 12:53 pm


The Rabbit Warren Snake
Stubborn * Gruff * Wild
Personality TBA


The Rabbit Warren Custom10
Quiet * Snobbish * Loyal
Personality TBA


The Rabbit Warren Custom6
Brave * Reckless * Protective
Personality TBA


The Rabbit Warren Custom60
Patient * Kind * Organized

Last edited by Mousen Heath on Mon 02 Jan 2012, 5:37 am; edited 4 times in total
Mousen Heath
Mousen Heath

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The Rabbit Warren Empty Aures

Post  Mousen Heath Wed 26 Oct 2011, 12:54 pm

The Rabbit Warren Aures2
Creepy * Humorous * Knowing


The Rabbit Warren Aures18
Devious * Unpredictable * Tenacious

Last edited by Mousen Heath on Mon 02 Jan 2012, 5:40 am; edited 1 time in total
Mousen Heath
Mousen Heath

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The Rabbit Warren Empty Aelurs

Post  Mousen Heath Wed 26 Oct 2011, 1:01 pm

The Rabbit Warren Aelurfemale6
Mischievous * Friendly * Insightful


The Rabbit Warren Aelurfemale1
Calm * Organized * Sociable


The Rabbit Warren Aelurmale3
Loud * Humorous * Confident
Mousen Heath
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The Rabbit Warren Empty Spare

Post  Mousen Heath Fri 13 Apr 2012, 7:20 am

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The Rabbit Warren Empty Spare

Post  Mousen Heath Fri 13 Apr 2012, 7:21 am

Mousen Heath
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The Rabbit Warren Empty Wonderland, Via The Rabbit Hole

Post  Mousen Heath Fri 13 Apr 2012, 7:48 am


The Rabbit Warren Custom1
Polite * Antiquarian * Unusual
Jalopy is a curious fellow. He doesn't actually seem to be from Aeris at all, when he talks about his hope, he walks about somewhere that's filled with disappearing and reappearing cats and people that talk a whole lot of nonsense. He's very old fashioned and enjoys the finer things in life, for the most part he believes that everything can be solved with a cup of tea and a bit of understanding. His attention tends to wander rather quickly and he's in the habit of randomly breaking out into song, thankfully, he can sing in tune. He tends to trust people on face-value and most people think he's a little guillible. It's not so much that as the fact he's used to a world where clouds can turn into teapots and back again, well, he might not of seen it, but he knows it's possible. So if someone tells him that they've seen something like that, who is he to disagree? He's a kind fellow, with a good, honest heart save for a few little quirks. Because of how easily distracted he is, Jalopy is often late for things. No amount of pocket watches, wall clocks or any other sort of time peice can correct this. Whenever the White Queen or Duchess is mentioned, Jalopy tends to rant. To him, the Queen was completely perfect and nothing will convince him otherwise. He was a massive supporter back in the days before they all came to Aeris.

The Rabbit Warren Custom18
Odd * Argumentative * Lazy
Wester hates you and finds you boring. That is the scarf-wearing jackalope's opinion on just about everyone, save for his mate, Jalopy. They met in Aeris, obviously, Brandr to be precise. Now they both live in the little village. Wester hates warmer climates and even the summers in Brandr tend to get a little to warm for him and the place only thaws for three months of the year! He's exceptionally anti-social and hates anyone poking their snouts into his business, he likes to be left alone unless there's an interesting argument to be had with a passing stranger. Wester is brilliant at arguing, whenever he makes the long trip down to the High Street in Greystone he can be seen haggling with the vendors. There is a nicer side to him, past the uninterested, reclusive exterior it's just not often that anyone gets to see it. Wester adores Jalopy, though refuses to get mixed up with his strange friends, which is actually quite a relief for the white jackalope.

The Rabbit Warren Custom40
Unsociable * Distrusting * Quirky
Jalopy's half brother. He's cynical and always does the practical thing rather than listening to his heart, he just does what he needs to do to survive and everything else doesn't matter. Well... That's almost true. Ivor is his best friend and while flitting between the White and Red courts he and the Hatter struck up an unlikely friendship. He's been a spy for both the white and the red and the fact that he couldn't stay loyal to either is what drove Jalopy completely up the wall. The two of them barely speak and when they do it's to argue about the various politcal issues that drove them apart. Charleston accuses Jalopy of being so obsessed with the White Queen that he'd paint the roses white for her if she asks, Jalopy promptly replies that Charleston would poison the roses and then try to torture them for information before doing the same in the other court. Charleston hates trusting people and is exremely suspicious, he seems to think that everyone is out to get him and everyone is seeking his downfall. Like Jalopy, he seems to cary that air of late 19th century gentlemen, though, unlike Jaopy his way of acting so is to make snide remarks from the other end of the table. Be wary around him, for whatever reason he is exceptionally handy with poisons.

Ivor Hat
(I-vor Hat)
The Rabbit Warren Aures7
Talkative * Comedic * Arty
Ivor tries to keep everyone together and tries to make sure they don't kill each other. He's a sweetheart really and gets rather upset the minute anyone starts fighting. He's a brilliant conversationalist and could probably turn a garden party of corpses into the event of the year if he tried. Ivor can be very arty when he feels like it and used to make hats of the Red Queen back in the day, he eventually disappeared from court after discovering the Queen's love for decapitation. He's one of the few that escaped with his head, for whatever reason, she was always rather fond of him. Ivor is one of those people not past making a fool of himself to make other people feel better, until Alice came along he was the temporary leader of the little group and completely hated it. Ivor is somone who much prefers following to leading, if anything goes wrong it's then not on his head.

The Rabbit Warren Aures6
Confused * Brave * Stubborn
Mousen Heath
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